From January 10th to 12th, 2024 the PIPgen Consortium gathered in Toulouse, France to celebrate the 3rd annual workshop/meeting at the Cancer Research Center of Toulouse (CRCT). The event was organised by the coordinator board in collaboration with Julie Guillermet-Guibert (INSERM) and Loic Ysebaert (CRCT- Institut Universitaire du Cancer de Toulouse- Oncopole (CRCT-IUCT-O)).

Over the course of two enriching days, participants benefited from different training sessions tailored specifically for ESRs. One workshop focused on various aspects of Clinical Trials, covering critical topics such as pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, ethical considerations, biostatistics, scientific integrity, legal and regulatory aspects, and examples of trials with targeted therapies and immunotherapies/CAR-T cells. On the second day, local experts shared the latest advances in the Clinical applications of PI3K Inhibitors, at theAmphithéatre of the IUCT-O, which was open to the public. Additionally, during the workshop, several dinners were organized to foster socialization and create a sense of community among the members. These informal gatherings provided a valuable opportunity for networking, exchanging ideas in a relaxed atmosphere, and strengthening bonds among PIPgen Consortium members. On the final day, PIPgen members came together to share updates on the progress of each individual ESR project and engage in interesting discussion on scientific advances. Supervisors and ESRs exchange ideas, reaffirming their commitment to advancing the understanding of PI3K-related disorders.