Emanuele Maria Nola (ESR4)
I obtained my Bachelor’s degree in Biology at the University of Bologna and then I enrolled in the Molecular Biology and Genetics master course at the University of Pavia. During the two years Master I had the opportunity to work in the Professor Maga’s laboratory at the National Research Council of Pavia (Italy). Here, I worked in depth with the DDX3X helicase, which is involved in viral replications, tumorigenesis and also in the newly discovered mental syndrome, the “DDX3X syndrome”. This period in the Maga’s lab strengthened my interest in the translational research field, so after my Master graduation I was granted with an Erasmus+ Traineeship fellow at Gauthier’s lab in CABIMER, Seville. Here, I investigated the LRH-1 role in the Langerhans’ Islets morphogenesis.
In January 2022 I joined the Sandra Castillo’s lab as a PhD student, funded by PIPgen, an ITN Marie Sklodowska-Curie Programme. My project is focused on understanding vascular malformation in PHTS.
Besides doing research, I love traveling and doing sports.