A warm welcome to the new ESRs who joined PIPgen recently!!
News We currently have 10 ESRs already working at their hosting institutions. The last ones to join the PIPgen consortium are Emanuele and Louis who started working on their projects at the IJC by the beginning of the year. Welcome all!!

Alberto and Sara the first ESRs to join the PIPgen ITN.
News First ESRs already in house and working for the PIPgen network! Alberto Collado and Sara Al-Jarrah joined Dr. Bart Vanhaesebroeck lab at UCL on the 18th of October 2021. They will be involved in Project 1 studying the mechanism of action of…

PIPgen Kick-off Meeting, Let’s get started!
News On the 16th of September the Institut Josep Carreras, organized and leaded the kick-off Meeting of PIPgen project. The Meeting took place in Badalona and its objectives were to discuss the management of the whole project and to assure that…